Lure Coursing

Earlier results 2004-2007
Results from 2008

First time in Estonia "Fasqiya" was best saluki  on Saturday and Sunday, 
gaining her International Lurecoursing title and also Estonian Lure coursing Champion,
Winning CC, Cacil on Saturday and also winning the title EMM-2008 on sunday.

"Fasqiya" and "Malaki" here in Estonia, "Malaki" won CC and res.cacil and the Estonian Champion title.

"Kifaya" to the right winning her first CC in Lure coursing and was 2nd best saluki 2008.

"Fasqiya" is qualified for the FCI-European Lure Coursing Championship 2008

"Fasqiya" winning Best In Field in Söderhamn 2007, 
in great competition over 130 entered Sighthounds. 

"Fasqiya" here achieving the prize for top winning Saluki of The Year in Lure Coursing 2005

"Fasqiya" winning CC and was placed 3rd at Tammsvik 2004

and here winning CC and was placed 4th at Tammsvik 2004

"Fasqiya" winning CC, CACIL and gaining her Swedish LC Championtitle 2005, 
"Malaki" winning CC, CACIL and was BIF-3

"Malaki" gaining his Swedish LC Championtitle 2006 by winning his
3rd qualifying CC and was BIF-2. A Very Happy Owner!!